TED.com is Awesome
Smells Like: resourcesTed.com is a collection of some of the most inspiring and education videos on the internet. It's 100% free and perfect to use in a varietyPublish Post of subject areas.
2:06 AM
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Bullet Proof Vests for Teachers
Smells Like: products
2:00 AM
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DetentionSlip Rocks Washington DC
Smells Like: awards
This past weekend DetentionSlip's Anthony David Adams; Gerry Morton of EnergyFirst; Summit Series' Elliott Bisnow & Jeff Rosenthal; and Kim Pingleton of Compass FX took first place in the VIP Scavenger Hunt at Yanik Silver's Underground 5. We ran through Washington, D.C. and ended up being the only team to complete every task. A+ for completeness! Underground is an elite forum of the worlds top internet entrepreneurs / media experts; we were fortunate enough to be invited as VIPs this year.
11:05 AM
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02/17/2009 - High school buddies named by Time as blogosphere’s best
Smells Like: press releaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
February 17, 2009
High school buddies named by Time as blogosphere’s best
Running an underground school newspaper in Erie, Pennsylvania is a long way from achieving international media credibility, but that’s just what high school buddies Anthony David Adams and Chuck Steinfurth achieved today, named among the best bloggers in the world by Time Magazine.
Earlier today the pair’s irreverent blog, Detentionslip.org – referred to as the Perez Hilton of education news for its reports on gun-carrying Texas teaches and students handcuffed over skimpy prom dresses - defeated millions of blogs around the world to secure a coveted spot on Time’s Top 25 Blogs of 2009.
Co-creators and former classmates, Adams and Steinfurth, entered the world of dissident education news with an underground student newspaper as juniors in high school, and following multiple censorship attempts – including a threatened law suit - shot to local infamy for their witty exposes on clandestine school happenings.
This formative experience would inspire the pair’s post-college reunion some ten years later to create Detentionslip.org – a blog dedicated to shining a defiant, yet tongue-in-cheek, spotlight on the misdeeds and mishaps of the public school system – providing fodder for prominent education columnists such as Scholastic’s Alexander Russo.
Talking from his New York base, co-creator and serial entrepreneur Anthony David Adams, whose parents are both educators, said he was astounded at Detentionslip’s virtual overnight success.
“Even though we had ambitious goals, neither of us thought that within a year our site would be widely regarded as one of the top sites in this space.
“When you look at hyper-growth online media companies like Google and Facebook, you realize there is really no predicting how quickly these things can take off.”
Adams said plans for the short term included the exploration of partnerships with other media outlets to leverage content and continue to grow as the top source for education news in the country.
Time Magazine’s Top 25 Blogs of 2009 ranks the best in class blogs politics and global affairs to shopping and sports, from millions of blogs worldwide.
9:05 AM
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DetentionSlip in the Scholastic Hot Seat
Smells Like: awards , pressStory: Detention Slip Duo Will See You Now
Last friday, we had a great 90 minute chat with Alexander Russo over at Scholastic's This Week in Education. We still get excited anytime we get a link on the site, so making the decision to grant our debut exclusive interview was an instant decision.
Also, we noticed that Scholastic was offering a content widget, so we went ahead and plagarized it. You can now stream DetentionSlip.org headlines to your site / blog with the Official DetentionSlip Widget.
* the above photo was originally featured on The Pub website in 1998. The underground high school newspaper was created by DetentionSlip.org co-creators Anthony David Adams (right) and Chuck Steinfurth (Left). It's over 10 years old, but we still look the same.
10:31 AM
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Hall Monitor
7:58 PM
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DetentionSlip.org presents...
"A must have for all teachers and educators."
Hall Monitor
10:42 PM
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DetentionSlip.org interview with Henry A. Giroux
Smells Like: author , books , interview
What do you think is the biggest issue facing our education system?
The biggest issue facing education today is the ongoing corporatization and militarization of public schools. Poor minority and white youth increasingly find themselves in schools modeled after prisons and one consequence is that their behavior, however trivial, is criminalized and they increasingly move from school into the criminal justice system.
Describe the level of parent involvement you feel is necessary for student success.
Parental involvement is always important but the opportunity for parents to provide the care, support, and time differs depending on whether time is a luxury or deprivation for them. Many parents increasingly have two jobs, cannot be home as much as they would like to be, and sometimes lack the skills to work with schools.
How would you invest $1,000,000 into a school district?
Hire more teachers, support staff, and provide the basic resources necessary for all kids to succeed academically
Given the task, how would you restructure our public schools?
Make them smaller, raise teachers’ salaries, reward teachers who work with poor children, give more power to teachers and students, and invest as much money in schools as we do in the Department of Defense.
Tell us a school house memory from your childhood.
I remember going to school and being fascinated with history, because the adults in my working class neighborhood told stories about labor struggles and the heroes of those struggles, people like Big Bill Haywood. When I got the school, I discovered that labor history was written out of the books and all I got was great man theory of history, a history that erased conflict, blacks, working class people, women, and any other group that did not fit into the master narrative.
Hall Monitor
12:19 PM
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Smells Like: contestWe will black out any identifying information upon request.
E-mail scans to detentionslip@gmail.com with SLIPS! in the subject.

Tell your friends, set your away message, write a blog post, make a banner, post a link, you get the idea.
10:22 PM
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School Shootings Map
This is our map.
View Larger Map
This is one I found.
10:15 PM
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Seeking Video Footage
Smells Like: corporal punishment , requestsBe a hero and help us make your school a safe place. No student deserves to be beaten. 27 states in the USA outlaw paddling -- help us take a stand and end this racist practice. Be a modern day Martin Luther King, Jr.
We want to show the world what is really happening inside the school.
We are actively seeking reports, video, and photos of the paddling taking place by the administration at Memphis Academy of Health Sciences.
We are working to help expose this practice. Be assured, your name will not be revealed.
We've covered the story here: http://www.detentionslip.org/2009/03/mass-public-student-paddlings-in.html
100% anonymity guaranteed.
Paying up to $100 cash for good video footage from inside the CHAPEL ceremony.
Send tips, videos, and photos to tips@detentionslip.org or call 608.446.4879
9:06 PM
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Footage Request
Be a hero and help us make your school a safe place. No student deserves to be beaten. 30 states in the USA outlaw paddling -- help us take a stand and end this racist practice. Be a modern day Martin Luther King, Jr.
We want to show the world what is really happening inside the school.
We are actively seeking reports, video, and photos of the paddling taking place by the administration at Memphis Academy of Health Sciences.
We are working to help expose this practice. Be assured, your name will not be revealed.
We've covered the story here:http://www.detentionslip.org/2009/03/mass-public-student-paddlings-in.html
100% anonymity guaranteed.
Paying up to $1,000 cash for good video footage from inside the CHAPEL ceremony.
Send tips, videos, and photos to tips@detentionslip.org or call 608.446.4879
What to do:
Obtain as much footage of this as you can. Try to provide information on who is in the video (both students and teachers).
Email us for details on how to submit the video and claim the reward. tips@detentionslip.org
6:17 PM
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Want to promote DETENTIONSLIP.org from your website? Just copy/paste this rad html code below each picture and you're ready to rock! (Make sure you get all of it.) If you'd like us to create a custom banner for your specific dimensions, please email us!
Dunce Box (150x150)
Notebook Large
Notebook Medium
Micro Future
DetentionSlip.org: the Leading Source of School House News!
6:12 PM
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Please note that once you post a comment to one of our sites, it becomes part of the public conversation. Our policy is that we will not remove a user's comments unless we deem them to be in violation of our Terms of Service. So if you want to say something that you will later regret personally, it is advisable that you use a username that does not identify you. We cannot remove your comments simply because you have a change of heart about making them.
Additionally, it is our policy not to delete comment accounts.
However, DetentionSlip Media reserves the right to remove comments entirely at its discretion, including for alleged violations of terms of service or legal rights.
DetentionSlip is not responsible for the content of user comments. If a third party complains that your comment violates our TOS or their rights, we will invite them to respond in the comments themselves. If they pursue the complaint, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you by the means you have provided us, to alert you to the situation. We will protect your contact information as described in our privacy policy, but may be compelled to turn it over pursuant to legal process.
Image and Video Terms of Use
DetentionSlip Media sites typically display images, audio, and video (the "Material") as part of blog posts written by our editors. The types of Material editors are authorized to use on DetentionSlip Media sites include:
- Material licensed from photographic archive and video vendors
- Material supplied to our editors or released into the public domain by public relations and marketing companies for press purposes
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- The purpose and character of the use (i.e. transformation from the original, use for criticism, satire or parody)
- The nature of the copyrighted work (i.e. factual or newsworthy vs creative works)
- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the whole (i.e. use of cropped, reduced, low-resolution Material used for no more than to convey the point made)
- The effect on the potential market for the copyrighted work (e.g. use that is not substitutive for the original, or would never be licensed in any event)
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To enable us to address your concerns, please provide the following information:
- For each allegedly infringing image, video or piece of text that you wish to have removed from one of our sites, provide the exact permanent URL for the page containing the material.
- Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you: an email address is preferred, as well as a telephone contact number.
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- Sign the document and fax it to:
(206)202-2610, Attn: DetentionSlip Legal / DMCA Complaints
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legal AT detentionslip DOT org
Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that any material on our sites is infringing your copyrights.
Indeed, in a recent case a company that sent an infringement notification seeking removal of online materials that were protected by the Fair Use doctrine was ordered to pay such costs and attorneys` fees. The company agreed to pay over $100,000. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney.
Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive will be sent (with your personal information removed) to Chilling Effects for publication.
You can see an example of such a publication at http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=861.
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The comments sections on DS Sites are accessible to users. DS's comment user registration system has been designed so that, if the user so chooses, they can remain completely anonymous, even to us.
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Please note that once you post a comment to one of our sites, it becomes part of the public conversation. Our policy is that we will not remove a user's comments unless we deem them to be in violation of our Terms of Service. So if you want to say something that you will later regret personally, it is advisable that you use a username that does not identify you. We cannot remove your comments simply because you have a change of heart about making them.
Additionally, it is our policy not to delete comment accounts.
However, DetentionSlip Media reserves the right to remove comments entirely at its discretion, including for alleged violations of terms of service or legal rights.
DetentionSlip is not responsible for the content of user comments. If a third party complains that your comment violates our TOS or their rights, we will invite them to respond in the comments themselves. If they pursue the complaint, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you by the means you have provided us, to alert you to the situation. We will protect your contact information as described in our privacy policy, but may be compelled to turn it over pursuant to legal process.
Image and Video Terms of Use
DetentionSlip Media sites typically display images, audio, and video (the "Material") as part of blog posts written by our editors. The types of Material editors are authorized to use on DetentionSlip Media sites include:
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- Material supplied to our editors or released into the public domain by public relations and marketing companies for press purposes
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- The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the whole (i.e. use of cropped, reduced, low-resolution Material used for no more than to convey the point made)
- The effect on the potential market for the copyrighted work (e.g. use that is not substitutive for the original, or would never be licensed in any event)
If you think we have published Material that infringes your copyright, we will address your concerns; however, if the material falls into one of the categories listed above, we believe that our use is legitimate and we will not remove it from the site.
Please note that we will respond only to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The text of the Act can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office Web Site, http://lcWeb.loc.gov/copyright/.
To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication (by email with an attached and signed PDF or by fax) that sets forth the items specified below. Please do not send us regular mail, as we may not receive it in a timely fashion. In all cases, if you do not hear a response from us within 10 days of submitting a complaint, please telephone us at (206)202-2610 to confirm that we received your original complaint. Spam blockers sometimes devour important emails from strangers!
To enable us to address your concerns, please provide the following information:
- For each allegedly infringing image, video or piece of text that you wish to have removed from one of our sites, provide the exact permanent URL for the page containing the material.
- Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact you: an email address is preferred, as well as a telephone contact number.
- For images, provide the following information detailing your claim to ownership of the copyright in the allegedly infringing image:
* Proof of copyright in the image concerned, namely proof of registration of the Image under the DMCA,
OR, absent such registration,- a detailed description of where the photograph was taken, by whom, who or what the subject of the image is, AND
- Evidence to support your claim that you own the copyright in the image.
- Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."
- Sign the document and fax it to:
(206)202-2610, Attn: DetentionSlip Legal / DMCA Complaints
OR email it to:
legal AT detentionslip DOT org
Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that any material on our sites is infringing your copyrights.
Indeed, in a recent case a company that sent an infringement notification seeking removal of online materials that were protected by the Fair Use doctrine was ordered to pay such costs and attorneys` fees. The company agreed to pay over $100,000. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney.
Please note that a copy of each legal notice we receive will be sent (with your personal information removed) to Chilling Effects for publication.
You can see an example of such a publication at http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/notice.cgi?NoticeID=861.
We also reserve the right to publish your letter on the site(s).
External Links Disclaimer
DS Sites routinely contain links to external, third party websites. By providing links to other sites, DetentionSlip Media does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products available at these sites, nor does a link indicate any association with or endorsement by the linked site to the GM Site in question.
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Visitors to DS Sites assume complete responsibility and risk in their use of any external sites. Visitors should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster.
3:43 PM
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DetentionSlip Media
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Tips / Editorial: tips@detentionslip.orgFor a good time call
Press Inquiries: press@detentionslip.org
Advertising: ads@detentionslip.org
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Toll free: 1-888-864-5639Go postal!
DetentionSlip Media
147 West 35th Street
Suite 1205
New York, NY 10001
3:43 PM
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Recent Coverage
- Time Magazine -Top 25 Blogs of 2009
- Erie Daily Times - McDowell grads' blog makes Time's top-25 list
- Scholastic - HOTSEAT: DetentionSlip duo will see you now
- Scholastic - Filling The Deep Need For EdWeek Bloggers
- ASCD InService - Loose Lips at DetentionSlip
- Dangerously Irrelevant - DetentionSlip.org, please stop the comment spam!
- Education Week - A Plea to Stop the Drama on Teacher Misconduct
- National Education Writers Association - Index of top Education Blogs
- EDU in Review: DetentionSlip.Org is the Number One Education Blog
- ABC News - From Sex to Assault: What's Up With America's Teachers?
- Baltimore Sun- "Sad, but awfully funny."
- E-Skolar- "an education site, but with a twist"
- The Education of Me - DetentionSlip.org - the Pub of a new generation
- Fat Shoos- "Not the Best Education Blog"
- Baltimore Sun - The Portal: A guide to new and cool stuff
- Salon.com - Teachers Gone Wild!
- Judith Regan Show (Sirrius Stars Radio)
- Vinny & Me (Sirius Stars Radio)
- CBS / Westwood One Radio - Late Nights With Jim Bohannon
- Arkansas Times - "...well-known education blog..."
- PhillyBurbs.com- Sometimes, you just need a laugh
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
Updates / Announcements
- DetentionSlip Rocks DC at Underground 5
- ASCD Welcomes DetentionSlip
- Fox News "The Strategy Room" debates Corporal Punishment with DetentionSlip
- Logo - DetentionSlip-Logo.jpg
- Headshot - Anthony David Adams, Co-creator - ADAMS.jpg (2 mb)
Toll free: 1-888-864-5639
Email: press@detentionslip.org
Postal: 147 West 35th Street, Suite 1205, New York, NY 10001
- Time Magazine -Top 25 Blogs of 2009
- Erie Daily Times - McDowell grads' blog makes Time's top-25 list
- Scholastic - HOTSEAT: DetentionSlip duo will see you now
- Scholastic - Filling The Deep Need For EdWeek Bloggers
- ASCD InService - Loose Lips at DetentionSlip
- Dangerously Irrelevant - DetentionSlip.org, please stop the comment spam!
- Education Week - A Plea to Stop the Drama on Teacher Misconduct
- National Education Writers Association - Index of top Education Blogs
- EDU in Review: DetentionSlip.Org is the Number One Education Blog
- ABC News - From Sex to Assault: What's Up With America's Teachers?
- Baltimore Sun- "Sad, but awfully funny."
- E-Skolar- "an education site, but with a twist"
- The Education of Me - DetentionSlip.org - the Pub of a new generation
- Fat Shoos- "Not the Best Education Blog"
- Baltimore Sun - The Portal: A guide to new and cool stuff
- Salon.com - Teachers Gone Wild!
- Judith Regan Show (Sirrius Stars Radio)
- Vinny & Me (Sirius Stars Radio)
- CBS / Westwood One Radio - Late Nights With Jim Bohannon
- Arkansas Times - "...well-known education blog..."
- PhillyBurbs.com- Sometimes, you just need a laugh
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
Updates / Announcements
- DetentionSlip Rocks DC at Underground 5
- ASCD Welcomes DetentionSlip
- Fox News "The Strategy Room" debates Corporal Punishment with DetentionSlip
- Logo - DetentionSlip-Logo.jpg
- Headshot - Anthony David Adams, Co-creator - ADAMS.jpg (2 mb)
Toll free: 1-888-864-5639
Email: press@detentionslip.org
Postal: 147 West 35th Street, Suite 1205, New York, NY 10001
3:42 PM
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DetentionSlip has received numerous awards for online journalistic excellence, including:
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
3:34 PM
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DetentionSlip is now the premier media property for reaching Principals, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, School board members, Students and anyone with an interest in public eduction.
Recent Advertising Partners Include:
- Random House Publishing- Worlds leading book publisher.
- Full Sail University - Top university with programs in educational media.
- Plugged Into Reading - Acclaimed curriculum based products.
- Funny School Stories - New site featuring content from teachers nationwide.
- CreditCovers.com - World famous consumer products and accessory company.
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
Recent Advertising Partners Include:
- Random House Publishing- Worlds leading book publisher.
- Full Sail University - Top university with programs in educational media.
- Plugged Into Reading - Acclaimed curriculum based products.
- Funny School Stories - New site featuring content from teachers nationwide.
- CreditCovers.com - World famous consumer products and accessory company.
- Time Magazine's Top 25 Blogs for 2009 - Time.com
- Best Blog of All Time 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2009 - Blogger's Choice Awards
- Best Education Blog 2008 - Best of the Blogs
- Best Blog of the Day Award - Blog of the Day Awards
- Top 10 Education News Sites - AllTop.com
- also featured on Scholastic.com, Popurls.com, and more!
3:31 PM
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12:00 PM
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9:40 AM
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Are you interested in helping shape US education policy?
Do you like causing trouble?
Inspired by a media start-up environment?
Come grind with us!
The following positions are available:
National Advertising Executive
- develop new accounts with national advertisers
- virtual office / telecommute
- prefer Orlando, FL or New York City residency, though not crucial.
- aggressive commission based pay scale
- help build the countries fastest growing education media company
- virtual office / telecommute
- prefer Orlando, FL or New York City residency, though not crucial.
- 10 Hour / week minimum
- unpaid
- awesome
To apply, send cover letter, resume, and your best detention slip to:
- jobs@detentionslip.org
Do you like causing trouble?
Inspired by a media start-up environment?
Come grind with us!
The following positions are available:
National Advertising Executive
- develop new accounts with national advertisers
- virtual office / telecommute
- prefer Orlando, FL or New York City residency, though not crucial.
- aggressive commission based pay scale
- help build the countries fastest growing education media company
- virtual office / telecommute
- prefer Orlando, FL or New York City residency, though not crucial.
- 10 Hour / week minimum
- unpaid
- awesome
To apply, send cover letter, resume, and your best detention slip to:
- jobs@detentionslip.org
12:26 AM
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We mock the school system because we love the idea of quality, free, public education. We want to help point out the problems and hypocrisies in an effort to help promote a solution. We also want to provide comic relief for the millions of teachers, students, administrators, parents, and tax payers who have found themselves locked in a system which has never fully reached it's potential.
Corporate Information
DetentionSlip.org is a privately held United States media company.
Contact Information
- Editorial: tips@detentionslip.org
- Advertising: ads@detentionslip.org
- Business Opportunities: business@detentionslip.org
- Other: info@detentionslip.org
Mission Statement
We mock the school system because we love the idea of quality, free, public education. We want to help point out the problems and hypocrisies in an effort to help promote a solution. We also want to provide comic relief for the millions of teachers, students, administrators, parents, and tax payers who have found themselves locked in a system which has never fully reached it's potential.
Corporate Information
DetentionSlip.org is a privately held United States media company.
Contact Information
- Editorial: tips@detentionslip.org
- Advertising: ads@detentionslip.org
- Business Opportunities: business@detentionslip.org
- Other: info@detentionslip.org