Students Suspended For Talking About Nooses
"In the wake of the recent events at..."
This is going to be every Principals cop-out for a long time. All it takes is a couple of degenerates from the backwoods of Louisiana to ruin it for everyone. We're not taking away from the meaning that might be attached to the hateful past of the noose, but now even conversations about it are being censored?
Let's start by adding a course in African-American history to the curriculum before we jump on every race-related issue. It wouldn't hurt to educate whites, blacks and everyone else to matters that might have an impact. (As much as algebra is actually used in a day-to-day basis.)
Here's what happens next in this story, you've just pit the white community versus the black community because parents are upset over suspensions. Congratulations. How's this for a punishment, have the white kids write a 3-5 page paper about the history of the noose.
Zero Tolerance has taken on a completely different meaning. Principals are so quick to pound the gavel and toss out suspensions like beads at Mardi Gras. Do us all a favor and teach kids what they're doing wrong instead of adding fuel to the fire.