BIG BROTHER: Students Spied on by School Issued Laptop Webcams

STORY: Suit: School spied on students via webcams

These are the stories that keep us getting out of bed in the morning. An affluent school district in PA decided it would be an awesome idea to give all the students laptops - and then use the built-in webcams to spy on the kids while at home!

Apparently Lindy Matsko, an assistant principal at Harriton High School, told a student that school officials thought he had engaged in "improper behavior" at home and cited as evidence a photograph from the webcam embedded in student's personal laptop issued by the school.

Of course, the family of the student has now filed a class action lawsuit against the entire district. This is really amazing.. they were spying on kids at home through the webcams, and then disciplining kids for actions that took place at home! Out of control.

You can read the entire court complaint here: Robbins v. Lower Merion School District (PDF)

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