Crowded classrooms? Outdated text books? Beat-down sports equipment? Choose the topic relevant to you and your classmates and join the free contest! Not only will you have fun getting actively involved but you will also win a prize for your school!
Entries are being accepted now through Friday, May 26th. 5 finalists will be selected and announced here on DetentionSlip May 29th. Public voting will be held till June 12th; your votes will determine the contest winner, who will receive an electronic blackboard from SMART! SMART Board interactive whiteboards bring a whole new level of interactivity to any classroom.
The contest winner will be announced Friday, June 12th. Glogster EDU presents free, dynamic web-building tools in a private web environment specifically geared toward education, which gives educators tools for discussion and feedback to create a productive and collaborative environment. For “What’s Wrong with This Picture?” students and educators are invited to use photos, text, video, audio, music, voice, special effects, links, designs and more to express their feelings regarding the state of their school, and even to offer suggestions for solving the problem.
To enter, teachers can simply visit the Glogster EDU site - register your classroom for free and get your students to start Glogging!
Use our post sharing tools and tell any teachers you know / re-post anywhere you like! This is a great way to win a free SMART BOARD for your classroom!