Word of the Week: Connoisseur

The Vocab Film Festival Word of the Week is:  Connoisseur.
Check out this recent student contest submission to the Vocab Videos Film Festival....

Vocab Videos currently is running a contest where you can submit your own vocab video and photo entries for a chance to win over $20,000 in scholarships and monthly and grand prizes from A-List Education, Zinch, Knewton, & Cerebellum.

Get your students involved for a fun class project opportunity! Support participating nonprofit organizations—Harlem Children’s Zone, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, Urban Word, and Year Up—just by voting on your favorite entries. Special prizes and donations go to the nonprofit with the most votes at the close of the Festival.

BREAKING: New Mexico Outlaws Corporal Punishment in Schools!

Heart Magazine magazine named New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez  “Woman of the Year” for her dedication to children’s advocacy and her efforts to keep children safe – and today she lived up to her reputation as she signed into law HB 172  - a law prohibiting corporal punishment as a disciplinary sanction in public schools. 

Earlier this month Martinez signed an Anti-Bullying Bill into law and HB172 will further increase protections for New Mexico school children. 

We spoke with renown Author and Educator Rosalind Wiseman, who recently hosted a bullying discussion from the White House, who had this to say:
“Any school that condones or doesn't explicitly condemn corporal punishment as a disciplinary strategy will have no credibility to talk to its students about bullying. Simply, if the students know the adults in the school can hit, slap them or worse, it sends the message that physical domination is how you address conflict. I honestly, can't think of a worse policy to alienate our children. ”
New Mexico is now the 31st state to outlaw corporal punishment in public schools. The United States is one of the only developed countries in the world that allows Corporal Punishment in schools - with 107 countries having national bans in place.

Police Pepper Spray 8 Year Old in Classroom

An 8 year old boy throws a temper tantrum -- albeit a somewhat dangerous one, where he pulls wood off the walls, and the police come in and pepper spray him.

What do you think? To spray or not to spray?

Story: Police pepper spray 8-year old

Word of the Week: Upbraid

The Vocab Film Festival Word of the Week is:  Upbraid.
Check out this recent filmmaker contest submission to the Vocab Videos Film Festival....

Vocab Videos currently is running a contest where you can submit your own vocab video and photo entries for a chance to win over $20,000 in scholarships and monthly and grand prizes from A-List Education, Zinch, Knewton, & Cerebellum.

Get your students involved for a fun class project opportunity! Support participating nonprofit organizations—Harlem Children’s Zone, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, Urban Word, and Year Up—just by voting on your favorite entries. Special prizes and donations go to the nonprofit with the most votes at the close of the Festival.

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