Orangemen real lemons on free speech

"Syracuse, as a matter of policy, promises that "[s]tudents have the right to express themselves freely on any subject" and that "Syracuse University ... welcomes and encourages the expression of dissent." 

Well...not really. As education major Adam Kissel was tutoring last summer at Danforth Middle School, he heard from a member of the city's Concerned Citizen Action Program (CCAP):

(who) "complained aloud that city schools should hire more teachers from historically black colleges--in the presence of Matt and another white student teacher." Matt posted on Facebook that he found this discriminatory...and Syracuse decided to abridge his First Amendment Rights. After making Adam jump through an inordinate number of ridiculous hoops, they finally gave in and he was reinstated...but only after a national press release publicizing his plight. Time to rename the Tully Center for Free Speech to...
Keepa U Mouth Shut til U Graduate Center.

STORY: Syracuse Expels Education Student for Criticizing Racial Comment on Facebook, Then Folds Under Public Scrutiny

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