Wooly Bully

Ex-superintendent of two Georgia School Districts (Cobb and Fulton Counties) has drawn fire and ire for allegedly threatening a state official investigating wide-spread cheating on state exams. James Wilson railed against the inquiry, telling Kathleen Mathers she would "pay dearly" for her use of "Gestapo tactics." The poor Gestapos can't get a break! Here we have the best of high stakes testing...cheating, coercion, bullying are but the tip of the "testberg." Underlying our blind faith in standardized test results are the loss of...recess, Physical Education, Art/Music, innovation and creativity. Imagine if all students across the nation sat for these exams and just filled them out randomly as a form of protest...every school would fail to make AYP... then what?

STORY: James Wilson, Former Georgia Schools Superintendent, Caught On Tape Bullying State Official Over Cheating Probe

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