Teacher loses fight to take gun to class

Teacher loses fight to take gun to class

"I'm about to give a Newtonian demonstration, of a bullet, it's mass, and it's acceleration." - MC Hawking

I think this teacher was demonstrating great logic. What parent wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that educators keep live weapons on their person? Is she that delusional that she thinks the Bill of Rights has got her back on this one? Charlton Heston gave way too many people a boner when he starting preaching about bearing arms. We may as well put every child through a hunter's safety course and allow them all to bring firearms to school. We will let them to use their own judgment on when to open rounds. As long as they feel their safety was threatened, the ends should justify the means. Freedom isn't the right to carry a gun around children in school. We need less neurotic faculty teaching students and not ones that compromise my freedom by coming up with idiotic ideas like this. I had a physics teacher who used to smoke in the classroom. We never knew this because we saw him do this, but we knew because every day when we came back from lunch at 12:45 the class smelled like Marlboro Reds. I don't want to have to come back from lunch and find bullet casings and gun powder on the floor...it makes me feel a little more uneasy than a pack of smokes.

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