'Moment of Silence' in schools banned for now

Story: 'Moment' in schools banned for now

What we all probably weren't aware of, is that before each school day starts, many Illinois students are forced to bow their heads for a moment of "silent prayer or for silent reflection on the anticipated activities of the day." It was later discovered that the real reason behind this was because administrators wanted to prove that they can enforce any ridiculous policy they want, and get away with it.

High Gas Prices Lead To Fewer High School Games

Story: High Gas Prices Lead To Fewer High School Games

These guys are athletes, can't they just jog to the games. The biggest pitfall is that the graduating class will consistently be in worse shape compared to other potential college recruits. For example, the ones who actually play a whole season. But on a plus side, with less games, just about every statistical record holder is pretty much etched in stone now.

Bleacher collapse injures six students

Story: Bleacher collapse injures six students

Gotta wonder how many squeaks they heard before they knew they were going down. That, and how nobody noticed the cross beams missing that ultimately support the bleachers. I heard the same person that removed them also went around tying rubberbands around all the faucet sidesprays in the Home-Ec rooms.

Student says school cake had pins baked in

Story: Student says school cake had pins baked in

This is what happens when you mix 'room mothers' and 'sewing circles.' I'm surprised he didn't also find an issue of Redbook in it. This almost tops the razor blade in the candy trick [story here]. The lesson: Don't trust anything anyone gives you...ever.

Man in dress threatens students with taser

Story: Man in dress threatens students with taser

Just another day in the life of a high school student. This current generation of children must be completely desensitized to threats of violence. Granted, every small threat leads to an inevitable lockdown, but the sense of fear must be a foreign feeling.

Cell-phone tower at Minnetonka school raises fears

Why shouldn't students be forced to stare at a huge T-Mobile logo when they are watching school hockey games? The cost of off-setting budget deficits is well worth the price of brainwashing consumerism to children. The only advantage of this is that students will have IDEAL cell phone reception while they are text messaging during class.

Grandfather Accused Of Attacking Teacher At School Ceremony

Story: Grandfather Accused Of Attacking Teacher At School Ceremony

Gramps didn't think the boy got the proper award at a ceremony. Ironically, the award was for "Least Likely to Stick up for Himself."

Schools substituting field trips with video links

We saw Outer Space today!

Schools substituting field trips with video links

So now Pixar is replacing teachers?! This is accomplishing two things: 1.) Allowing faculty to not worry about lesson plans and bus head counts, and 2.) Encouraging students to blur the lines of reality and virtual-reality. One girl puts it best, "It was funner than a real field trip for me," said Pricila Ramirez, 11. Apparantly there's no plans scheduled for a grammar field trip.

School fashion protest ends in arrests

Story: School fashion protest ends in arrests

Another case of when student's clothing becomes the scapegoat for a larger issue that the school is unable to resolve. It only creates a more hostile environment when groups are singled out and forced to 'conform' to a model the principal deems safe. Someday, someone will figure this out.

School worker accused of being drunk on field trip

Unless the trip was to a boring theater play, there's no excuse to get loose. To top if off, she allegedly allowed students to drink with her...this made clear by the fact that over a dozen kids arrived home drunk while getting off the bus. Is she just reliving her high school years because she was too dorky to get in trouble on a field trip?

Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest

Story: Subway Bans Homeschooled Kids from Essay Contest

Since it's hard to market to students at home who are not exposed to constant ads in the hallways, on Channel One, and even their reports cards, Subway decided it's not fair to let them cash in on any prizes. In addition, it was rumored that the initial concept for the contest was titled "The advantages of eating fast food and cutting PE time in schools."

Flat school bus tires cause delays

Story: Vandalism of school bus tires prompts late start in Ridgefield

The 2-hour delays were caused because the drivers arms were exhausted after trying to hand pump over 100 tires back up. Although, this might have been an elaborate excuse because the bus drivers union had a killer Memorial Day party the night before and needed some time to sleep in.

Teacher lets students vote out classmate

Story: Teacher lets Morningside students vote out classmate

So much for a fair education. About the only thing positive from this story, is the math lesson students learned about fractions. If 14 students vote to kick a pupil out of class, and 2 students vote against it, what are the odds that the teacher will soon be out of a job?

Teacher allows noose display in classroom

Story: Noose Incident Upsets Boulder City H.S. Parents

How are we expecting to raise moral and educated children when we send them to schools with ignorant, perhaps racist teachers. Anyone who has lived in this country at any point in the last 150 years or so should have a general knowledge for what that noose represents. You can't exactly chalk this one up to 'not knowing any better.'

Student Suspended For Taking Ibuprofen

Story: Student Suspended For Taking Ibuprofen

We're all a little better off knowing that this 'pill-head' was banned from school grounds for a few days. Over the counter pain relievers are without argument, one of the greatest threats to school safety. It's understood that Ibuprofen is the gateway drug for hallucinogenic mushrooms, or worse. It's a good thing we didn't let it get that far.

Principal Plagiarizes Speech

High School Principal Plagiarizes Speech

People became suspicious when he began making references to "every hill and molehill of Mississippi." But at least he opened these high schoolers minds to that fact that they can cheat their way through an education.

School bans Marine from wearing uniform at graduation

Story: Texas school bans Marine from wearing uniform at graduation

Oddly enough, the Marines also banned her from wearing her graduation gown while in Iraq.

Girl Stabbed in School Fight

Story 1: Utah Knife Fight

Story 2:
California Knife Fight

We've got a two-pack of stabbing stories for you. This must be the hottest trend to hit teen girls since Hannah Montana concerts. It turns out this is how problems are resolved now. Rather than making 'burn books' and spreading mean rumors, girls are now skipping all the middle men and just slashing their enemies with a series of life-threatening cuts. Back off boys, these kittens have claws!

Middle School Students Disciplined After Drinking On Bus

Story: Middle School Students Disciplined After Drinking On Bus

Adults can't even get away with drinking vodka without getting called out on it. You can drink the night before and come to work the next day still smelling like it. Leave it to teenagers to think they won't get caught. What gave it away was when the quiet kids were uncharacteristically being very vocal in class.

Elementary School Principal Under Investigation

Elementary School Principal Under Investigation

The police discovered bookshelves, desks, white boards, AC units, and Nintendo systems in her possession. Aside from going on shopping sprees at Office Depot, it's clear what is happening here: The principal has finally come to terms with the faults of public education, and has begun bunkering supplies to start her own home-schooling business.

Thousands Of Georgia Students Not Making The Grade

Thousands Of Georgia Students Not Making The CRCT Grade

Some counties had up to 40% failing the math portion. Here's a recipe for a cycle of failure:
1. Develop a standardized test that is nearly impossible to pass.
2. Potentially lose grant money because of low test scores.
3. Force students to attend summer school to advance academically.
4. Hire extra staff to teacher these classes.
5. Fall deeper into a budget deficit.
6. Cut teaching positions from next school year.
7. Over-sized classrooms lead to poor instruction and hinder learning.

Teacher Suspended After Fight With Student

Story: Teacher Suspended After Fight With Student

I can think of a lot of good reasons to fight with a student: to demonstrate maturity, to be a positive role model, to maintain a level of professionalism, and also to show everyone how tough you are. Are schools becoming ticking time bombs for violence to break out at any minute? Although it not confirmed, some reports say this teacher was also crashing gym class just to show everyone how hard he can throw a dodgeball.

Vandalism forces high school to close

Story: Vandals force closure of Mt. Clemens High School

Kids will do anything to miss a day of school: fake sick, have car problems, trash thousands of dollars worth of equipment and supplies. We'll see how long it takes this crime scene to unfold before students are allowed back into school. In the meantime, they have all day to vandalize the city while they're not in class.

School bans touching

School bans touching

Well, that about wraps it up. With the school year winding down, there is now officially nothing you can do without facing a punishment. Wait, that's not exactly true. For now, some schools are still allowing talking. It's only a matter of time until that basic human right is waived.

Students' photos altered in yearbook

Story: Students' photos altered in McKinney yearbook

40% of the students had something changed on their picture. Clothes were switched, head sizes stretched, fake mustaches were drawn in! (maybe). Seeing as how most people have a pretty good idea of what they look like, I still can't figure out how someone would think no one would notice. School officials thought something was fishy when they realized that the majority of the students appeared in the yearbook with shirts reading: "I LOVE Lifetouch National School Studios."

District Ditching Monday Classes to Save Money

Story: School District Ditching Monday Classes to Save Money

Let's say there's an average of 40 weeks of school during the year. That's 40 Monday's they will be missing. Multiply that by the 13 years most students attend school. What we have here results in a group of Minnesota pupils that are graduating 520 days dumber than all other students across the country. Does the city have a plan for all these kids running around town every Monday without anything to do? I just finished reading an article from the year 2010: "Teen pregnancy reaches all-time high in Minnesota."

Seniors Suspended Over T-Shirts Joking About Underage Drinking

MADD believes that these shirts highly encourage drinking and driving. I was under the impression that the primary function of a shirt to too keep you warm and prevent your bare chest from being exposed. The text on the shirt is completely vague and indirect, so of course they have to be outlawed.

Teacher Arrested With Drugs, Gun on Campus

Story: Elementary School Teacher Arrested With Drugs, Gun on Campus

I want to say that there are signs around most schools that read "Drug Free Zone." I also want to say that there is a thing called 'common sense' that generally dictates to us why we don't need guns and weed at elementary schools.

Trip Cut Short After Student Eats Pot Brownie

Story: School Trip Cut Short After Student Eats Pot Brownie

Not sure what the bigger buzzkill was...the fact that this kid scored some bad weed, or the fact that hundreds of students lost a field trip because of one idiotic boy. Don't the rides at Cedar Point get you high enough?

8th Graders Suspended After Having Sex on Trip

Story: 8th Graders Suspended After Having Sex on Field Trip

Why would we expect 20 chaperone's to catch on to this? For the future, here's what might help tip you off: When you see a girl go into a guys room, something is about to happen. On a positive note, at least it's teen on teen sex. I am glad none of these adults decided to cash in on the action.

Nude student photos shock local middle school

Story: Nude student photos shock local middle school

Young teens trade nude photos of each other as if it was candy. No more digging through the back of dad's closet if you want to see a naked chick...you can just have a friend send you a text image of the cute girl in school during geometry class. The sad thing- it's only a matter of time until this epidemic strikes elementary schools.

Mother Takes Loaded Guns to School Conference

Story: Mother Takes Loaded Guns to Elementary School Conference

Sometimes it's just hard to get noticed and have your opinion heard at these school meetings. Luckily, she didn't have to fire a few rounds into the ceiling to make her point. She was, however, planning to shoot at the ground and make the principal "dance!" until she got her way.

Middle School Teacher Drunk in Class

Story: Middle School Teacher Drunk in Class

The students couldn't figure out why one minute he was aggressively yelling at them, and then the next he was confessing that he loved them all. They also couldn't put their finger on why he crashed and took a 2 hour nap during school. What tipped them off, was when he started peeing in the corner of the room.

Student Banned After Setting Teen's Turban on Fire

Story: School Student Banned After Setting Teen's Turban on Fire

We were able to tap into is train of thought right before he did this: "It's perfectly ok to set people's clothes on fire during school. There should be no reason I get into trouble for this. In fact, I'll most likely be a hit! Even the innocent boy whose safety, religion, and beliefs that I am defacing, will probably get a good laugh out of this."

Principal arrested for coke possession

Story: Elementary school principal arrested for alleged coke possession

Is coffee just not working anymore? When the district began developing plans to make curriculum and classroom adjustments based on the new "wired" culture, this isn't what they had in mind.

School Bans Hugging

Well...maybe drugs. We'll get to that next.

Story: School Bans Hugging

Another one bites the dust...If you haven't kept your finger on the pulse of education issues, hugging has quickly become the number one threat to school safety. LA gang fights have nothing on middle school students hugging in the hallways. If this does not get resolved soon, we will be raising a generation of students who show affection and are nice to each other. Scary thought huh?

Boy, 11, Found With Marijuana Traded iPod for Gun

Boy, 11, Found With Marijuana Traded iPod for Gun

Is this kid opening a Pawn Shop? Sounds like he has a handle on the black market of underground embargo swaps. Me? I remember getting in trouble for trading baseball cards at school.

Learning to Change

Video by Pearson's for CoSN for use in public advocacy.

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

This project was created to inspire teachers to use technology in engaging ways to help students develop higher level thinking skills. Equally important, it serves to motivate district level leaders to provide teachers with the tools and training to do so.

Student brings samurai knife to school

The Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin to F*** With

Student brings samurai knife to school

Add this to the list of odd items you never thought a student would try to sneak into school. It was presumed that the child had to square off with Storm Shadow from GI Joe in the parking lot at 3:00 high. I guess we'll never know the results.

Student hand cuffed over skimpy prom dress

Story: High School student hand cuffed over skimpy prom dress

Regular people get arrested all the time for wearing suggestive clothing don't they? Why don't we start by arresting the half-naked meth addicts that sleep in park bushes downtown in just about every metropolis city in the U.S. Or we can just destroy one girl's memories of her senior prom.

Girl raped on school bus

Story: Girl raped on school bus

The football players on the bus take rounds and rounds, rounds and rounds, rounds and rounds. How many stories are we going to hear about drivers leaving the bus for no good reason, then all of a sudden something tragic happens. Is child supervision not covered during their training?

Hundreds brawl at LA high school

Story: Hundreds brawl at LA high school

600 students were involved?! Are we sure this was at a high school? Talk about a hostile environment. I feel bad for the parents of the dozen or so kids who are not affiliated with gangs.

Vice principal accused of stealing students' medicines

Story: Vice principal accused of stealing students' medicines

And why not? What a good resource for prescription pills. It was also rumored that while the students are in class, he roots through their lockers and steals their Starter jackets.

Vice Principal Makes Students Eat On Floor

Story: Vice Principal Makes Students Eat On Floor

Nothing makes you learn your lesson faster than being degraded by a principal. For some reason, traditional methods such as 'detention' or 'a note home' never crossed this guys mind. I heard this disciplinarian also strips the bathrooms of soap and toilet paper when students misbehave.

Man gets 6 years for kissing boy in school restroom

Story: Man gets 6 years for kissing boy in school restroom

Yessssssss! 11-year old boys are soooooooo hot! Who wouldn't pay $10 dollars to get some lip action with one in a school bathroom. This is what we're up against, no more candy bribes. This guy went right to his wallet. Does that make this 11-year old a prostitute?

17-Year-Old Arrested After Driving Car Onto Crowded School Field

Story: 17-Year-Old Arrested After Driving Car Onto Crowded School Field

The student gave up when he realized that there were no mailboxes in sight to smash. After his spree of doing donuts during a baseball game and an 80 mph driving spree through the town, he was oddly enough arrested as he safely pulled into his drive at home...with his seatbelt on and his hands 10 & 2 on the steering wheel. Who said video games influence wreckless behavior?

Iguana on Loose Triggers Hawaii School Lockdown

Story: Iguana on Loose Triggers Hawaii School Lockdown

From the article: "Iguanas are typically vegetarians, but they are known to feed on bird eggs." So it seems to me, unless the student population was replaced by bird eggs, that no one was really in danger.

Students and teacher burned in chemical fire

Story: Students and teacher burned in chemical fire

It sounds like a crazy scientist was haphazardly mixing mysterious liquids he found in a parking lot and was playing with them in a welding class. I don't see any potential for danger, but I'm sure the students with second degree burns on their faces disagree. I heard he also challenged the class to keep their hands on a hot stove...just to see what would happen!

Student says teacher tossed his Mexican flag in trash

Story:Idaho student says teacher tossed his Mexican flag in trash

I guess in Idaho we don't recognize that citizens come to the United States from other countries around the world. The teacher was also allegedly cutting students to make sure that their blood was red, white, and blue.

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