Principal accused of making pupil shock himself

This lady owns a pen that can electrocute people. That was her first mistake. Her second mistake was thinking that using the pen as a form of student discipline was a great idea. It should come as no surprise that she was in trouble a few years ago for allowing several students to bite a classmate. Not sure yet if her career ambitions were to help children or to watch them suffer by inflicting pain.

Student Suspended for Dressing Like Girl

The teen had intentions on informing his classmates about gay and transgender rights. The principal felt otherwise and seemed to want nothing to do with boys dressing like sissies. One day, schools will be tolerant of this concept and won't make a students' sexual preference or orientation be reason to feel outcast.

Lincoln High principal suspended over paddling incident

Corporal punishment seems to be striking a nerve recently. In this case, a football coached told a boy the only way he could get back on the team was to take a few licks from a boat paddle. I posed the question- Aren't we trying to end patterns of violence in schools? Is physical punishment the role of educators? Is it healthy to have students living in fear of getting hit when they come to school? And we wonder why some teens resort to violence to solve their problems.

Aptos High senior wants ban on antibacterial soap

To be honest, I don't know how this stuff became so wildly popular in the first place. But this girl is crusading to eliminate it from every school. A funnier note from the aticle is when it recommends washing your hands for at least twenty seconds. But it also suggests singing 'Happy Birthday' twice, if for some reason you struggle with a roadblock while counting.

Teacher suspended for dragging student

Story: Teacher suspended for dragging student

I just got done speaking with a woodsman, and he claimed that after he hunts and kills a deer, he also resorts to this technique. Now why a first grade teacher would need to do this is beyond his imagination. I wonder if she had to hog-tie the girl in the hallway too?

Teacher charged with abusing cats

They say before you have a pet, learn to take care of plants. And before you have children, learn to raise a pet. Well, based on that, it doesn't look like she'll be having kids anytime soon. That is, unless her son or daughter is able to live without food or water for over a month. Sometimes life comes at you so fast you forget you have two cats to take care of every day. And we trust her with school students!

Mass Public Student Paddlings in Memphis

Story: MAHS Charter School corporal punishment - WREG

The way this is breaking down is, once a week, all the students are gathered together in an assembly. Then, any who have been in trouble the previous week are sent on stage and paddled in front of the entire student body.

"We tell our parents up front. Corporal punishment is a part of our discipline program. It's a part of what allows us to keep a safe sound environment in our school."

The director of the board for MAHS, Bernal Smith II, was unavailable for comment on whether or not he beats his wife publicly when she is "out of line".

We are looking for actual video of this paddling ritual, so, students & teachers, please send cell phone video recordings to :

Bus Driver Supervisor Paid Kids to Strangle Him

Story: Man Paid Kids To Strangle Him, Say Police

Nothing spells 'perfect weekend' better than some videotape and a couple of young boys willing to choke you while you fulfill your sexual fantasies. Maybe the parents of these boys should look into getting them a paper route to make some extra cash instead.

Connecticut Middle School Implements No-Touching Policy

Story: Connecticut Middle School Implements No-Touching Policy

Rather than apply a "no groin kicking" policy, the school went all out and banned any form of touching. Handshakes, hugs and high fives all fit the bill of actions subject to discipline. The administration is looking into big plastic bubbles for each student during the 2009-2010 school year.

Third Grade Teacher Arrested For Exposing Himself Outside School

It is safe to say your life has come to a crossroads when you find yourself in the habit of playing with your genitals every day after school in the parking lot. That, is why cops should wear gloves when they handcuff people.

Top 7 Reasons Oklahoma Schools Suck

It’s time for schools to put away the paddles

Perception is an interesting thing. See, here is the Oklahoman, thinking it's being ultra progressive with their new public stance on being anti-paddling.. and then there is the rest of the country, like us, thinking "What the f#$%? People are actually still paddling students?"

Top 7 Reasons Oklahoma Schools Suck
1) They are still paddling students
2) See #1
3) See #2
4) See #3
5) See #4
6) See #5
7) See #6
And if you are a teacher / parent / other person from Oklahoma who wants to whine to us about how your 'progressive' school has done away with this -- save it, and spend the energy lobbying to get the rest of your state up to speed with the 21st century.

Gatorade Award causes controversy in Kansas

Gatorade Award causes controversy in Kansas

The girl is home schooled in another state, but plays with the Kansas team during the year. Some parents are trying to justify their jealousy it wasn't their kid outraged that she got the award.

High school holds 'Pull up your Pants' day

Story: High school holds 'Pull up your Pants' day

It's the opposite of when kids used to pull pranks by yanking your pants down from behind. This school is encouraging its students to pull them up! They are even handing out belts to low-riding offenders. Some teachers have already complained that they won't be able to see girls thongs showing anymore.

Headmaster denies vampires at school

The Headmaster, who is all of a sudden an expert in vampires, addressed the school and community to confirm that they are officially vampire-free. It is unclear how these "rumors" started, but it rattled the students thinking vampires might be present. While most of the country is sweating about budget cuts and graduation rates, this school plans to focus it's energy in 2009 to ensure that Wolfman and the Creature from the Black Lagoon aren't its next inhabitants. On a side note, the Headmaster was approved to spend money on wooden stakes, just in case.

11-year-old boy brings pot to school

Story: 11-year-old boy brings pot to school

No word if the fifth grader was able to sell any bags to teachers, but when he was caught he had three left. He will mostly likely get a bigger whooping form his older brother, who he took them from, than his parents.

Idaho teacher sells advertising space on tests

Story: Idaho teacher sells advertising space on tests

We have all received those Coupon Carnival ads in our mail? Well, picture one of those, but with math problems on it. One teacher took it upon himself to create a little revenue by selling pizza ads on his tests. It's undetermined if grades have been impacted, but students are left suspiciously hungry after they complete their exams. Maybe because when it's pop quiz time, they thought they were looking at menus?

School Warns Parents Dead Daughter Can't Go to Prom

This school feels so strictly about attendance, that even deceased students aren't off the hook. This young girl passed away over two months ago, but her parents are getting warnings stating she won't be able to attend prom if her attendance doesn't improve. To continue to rub it in, they plan to hold a post-prom party at her gravesite.

Florida Parents Sue School Over Religious Song

Story: Florida Parents Sue Over School Song

Two parents weren't happy that a song mentioned "In God We Trust." It wasn't enough that the school removed the song from their program, but these parents feel they are entitled to damages pay because their kids were exposed to this. It was this same argument that got the Pledge of Allegiance in trouble years ago. If they win in court, they will be requesting that "In God We Trust" also be removed from the dollar bills they receive.

Coach Accused Of Taking Locker Room Photos

Story: Coach Accused Of Taking Locker Room Photos

He was given several directives to not bring his cell phone into the locker room, but the urge to take pictures of young boys showering proved to be just too irresistable.

Middle school students catch drunk teacher on video

Story: Middle school students catch drunk teacher on video

It's one of those stories we wish we were making up. The teacher showed up to first period class already drunk. She then put on music, started booty dancing, and barked at the students to join her or else they fail. Well, it's safe to say her teaching days are over, but her night club life seems to have a promising future.

School Library Bans Magazine

Story: School Library Bans Magazine

The November issue was just now yanked from the shelves because the principal feels the content of the cover is too violent. Clearly it has been creating waves of unsafe behavior around school since it's been in the library for close to five months. Way to be on top of these pressing issues.

Principal Body-Slams 15 year old Student

Principal Body-Slams Student

In this corner: The 15 year old wonder; notorious for using cell phones during school and wanting to wear his jacket in the rain; a threat to middle age administrative ego's everywhere; Dusty Greeeeeeeen!

In the opposite corner: Weighing in at over 200 lbs; an educated man; principal of principals; Joseph "Jo Jo the Bengal tiger eating song bird" Orazen!

Teacher In Student-Sex Case Kills Self

I think Romeo and Juliet had a similar ending...let's just hope the boy is doing ok. The only difference is that in Shakespeare's work it was the families that forbid the love. In this case it was the Constitution of the United States. This is why 37-year olds don't need to get involved with 15-year olds.

Fort Worth girl teen stabbed after MySpace spat

Story: Fort Worth girl teen stabbed after MySpace spat

One girl says some mean things on MySpace so the other girl lodges a pair of scissors in her. Problem solved. Authorities were more shocked to learn that these girls still actually use MySpace. Classmates immediately Twittered the incident.

Illegal uniforms cost team in playoff loss

Story: Illegal uniforms cost team in playoff loss

There once was a day in sports when every team had two jerseys: one home, one away. For some reason in the past years pro teams have made it acceptable to wear just about anything; from throw-backs, to off-colors, to new logos and more. Well, tough break for this high school team who designed a jersey that had some stripes in the wrong place, because it cost them a shot at the state championship. I hope they learned a valuable lesson- that some rules are out-dated and don't make sense to begin with.

Superintendent bans bottles after hearing about drunk students

It was only a matter of time until teens got caught mixing cocktails in their apple juice bottles. But apparently this wasn't high on the principal's priority list of problems to fix. The superintendent felt differently, banned bottles, and summoned the principal to a meeting. If other administrators are taking notes right now...Yes, you do need to report underage drunk kids stumbling through your hallways.

Chicago Deals With a Rise in Student Deaths

Story: Chicago Deals With a Rise in Student Deaths

It's only Spring Break and Chicago public schools have seen 28 student deaths, surpassing their previous record. This should cause some concern to the community. It tells me that street life is more appealing to young teens than going to class. These numbers should be a wake-up call that schools need to start adapting to a new generation of learners.

Book Review: COLUMBINE

April 20th marks ten years since the shocking massacre in Littleton, Colorado. If you find yourself buying one book this year, it should be Dave Cullen's Columbine. The events on the fatal day have forever shaped the way we discuss school violence, safety, dress code, and a handful of other policies. The author digs deep into the minds of the killers, their classmates, the police, and the entire community in his detailed, graphic account of this unfortunate day in our history. It is obvious that Cullen left no stone unturned in his research, and delivered a final product that needs to be read by anyone who has ever associated themselves with a public school.
Scheduled release date: April 6, 2009

Teacher arrested after allegedly masturbating in classroom

Story: Higgins High School teacher arrested after allegedly masturbating in classroom

Hoping we were all idiots, he tried explaining that he was just applying lotion because of a medical condition. He left out that part that his medical condition was actually "chronic masturbating." Tough break for the teacher who has to sit in his chair when he's replaced.

Mom who let kids miss 100 days of school sentenced to jail

Story: Mom who let kids miss 100 days of school sentenced to jail

These kids probably thought they had it made only having to go to school a couple times a week. But really, as a parent, who honestly has the time to make sure your kids are getting the education they need to pass each grade level? Mom is also being forced to take parenting classes. But I am guessing the first hurdle will be reminding her that she does actually have children.

Teens capture images of space with cheap camera and balloon

Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon

The title could also read: Our school science program OWNS your schools science program.

Note to all teachers -- scrape together $200 from your beer fund, put off coming to school drunk, and help some students send an oversized party favor to the edge of the atmosphere.

Teacher made boy eat from garbage

While in there, the boy found his chicken nuggets, a banana, and a lawsuit which will more than likely lead to the teacher losing her job. Maybe next time a kindergartener doesn't like his meal, a simple note home to the parents will suffice.

Dallas ISD records show school held 'cage fights'

"Reading, Writing, and Mixed Martial Arts"
Story: Dallas ISD records show school held 'cage fights'

For two years, school employees allowed students to settle their disputes in bare-knuckle fighting matches held in a locker room steel cage. If this story doesn't blow the minds of every reader, then the DetentionSlip team has to cry 'uncle.' They called it "The Cage" and it was a part of the school culture. Talk about a well-kept secret! The school was training warriors, not college-bound children. Everyone who has ever had knowledge of these gladiator battles should be arrested.

Principal Allegedly Pulls Knife, Jokes About Cutting Off Student's Tattoo

Story: Principal Allegedly Pulls Knife, Jokes About Cutting Off Student's Tattoo

It sounds like it should have been a hilarious joke. Who can't find the humor in a principal pulling a knife out on a kid during school? For the record, anyone who is actually looking for tattoo removal, this man will most likely be seeking employment within the next couple months. He also pulls teeth out with pliers.

Substitute teacher molested eight girls in two days

Story: Substitute teacher molested eight girls in two days

They say three strikes and you're out. So this "teacher" is long past his limit. Aside from nearly filling up an entire soccer team of elementary school girls he touched, I can think of at least eight dads that want to kick the crap out of this guy. Let's just hope they don't have Zoey 101 in prison.

Woman accused of biting son's principal

Story: Woman accused of biting son's principal

Follow this logic- child gets in trouble for being disruptive, mom disagrees with punishment and becomes ten times more disruptive towards school officials. It sounds like this boy has a promising future with such supportive, class-act parents behind him.

Student, 15, Suspended For Passing Gas

The boy was making it "difficult to breathe" for his classmates. The school feels strongly about students farting to disrupt class, so he will face his consequences. The principal is allegedly also reconsidering if Mexican food belongs on the lunch menu.

Girl, 13, cited for disrupting FCAT

Story: Girl, 13, cited for disrupting FCAT

The purpose of standardized tests is to teach children to be as motionless and focused as possible, until each student completes the test. This is a skill that they will need much into their adult lives. Now, I am sure this girl was acting a fool to get attention, but do we really need to involve the local sheriffs?

Top 5 Vegetarian Friendly High Schools

Story: Most Vegetarian-Friendly High School Cafeterias

While most of the free world drags it's knuckles catching up with the enlightened crowd, some US high schools are taking steps to offer dietary choices that are better for the environment, and better for the students.

The move towards regionally produced, organic, vegetarian foods is a trend that we will be seeing more of in the months to come.

Gay-themed film cost Oklahoma teacher her job

Story: Gay-themed film cost Oklahoma teacher her job

The teacher began doing projects based on the film The Laramie Project. The movie addresses issues of homophobia and allowed the students to engage in productive discussion about homosexuality. When the superintendent heard rumors that teens were opening their minds and learning to become tolerant, he had seen enough. After a small dramatic parking lot performance, the teacher was fired and the students returned to judging others based on sexual orientation.

School Employee Charged with Embezzlement

Stealing electronics and selling them to pawn shops is something meth addicts do. We just wanted to put that into perspective for this middle school Safety and Security Assistant.

Teacher accused of fondling, kissing 14 year old girl

Story: Montco teacher accused of fondling, kissing girl

According to the report, they "...learned that the teacher had professed his love to this child, told her that he desired to continue their physical relationship and wanted to marry her..." Age ain't nuthin but a number, right? Well, I am sure this mans' wife might have an opinion on that. By the way, middle school is NOT an ideal place for men in their late twenties to seek future wives.

Boy urinates on himself during school punishment

Story: Mom; School forced son to squat 30 minutes until he soiled himself

After making a mess in the lunchroom, he was forced to run laps then hold text books during leg squats...all without bathroom priveleges. So now the mess is running down his pant legs. Aside from learning his life lesson, the youngster now gets confused everytime he goes to the zoo and sees animals being treated better than him. Needless to say he is in a private school now, with plenty of restrooms.

Student Says Teacher Exposed Himself In Class

According to one boy, "There was a hole in his pants and they [the students] could see his private parts and they thought it was kind of disgusting." Well, I would say that could be classified as exposing yourself. Most men are guilty of this, except usually it is when they are out in the woods camping, and not in front of a classroom of middle school students.

Student can't dance with Obama mask in show

A fifth grade student wants to do his own version of a Saturday Night Live skit featuring Barack Obama dancing for his school talent show. Some parents feel it is inappropriate and offensive. We are thinking hard to find out how this could possibly be controversial, except for maybe there are a lot of McCain supporters. The boy won't do the dance without the mask, because as he wisely put it, "If I don't have the mask," he said, "it's just some kid up there dancing around."

Steve Martin backs banned production of his play

Story: Steve Martin backs banned production of his play

After 137 people in the community petitioned against his play, Picasso at the Lapin Agile, the principal decided that was reason enough to cancel the production at his high school. It makes you feel good about who writes the rules of the school when this 15-year old play just now rubs a few people the wrong way. Martin decided to help fund it so it can still be performed at a nearby University stage. No word if Martin Short or Chevy Chase chipped in at all.

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